Company Overview
Development I.T sector in Pakistan and nearby regions, and provide nex-gen I.T solutions and services.
REST Corporation resolves to treat customers, stakeholders, and the community with fairness and respect. These groups see the company as providing a sound financial return on investment, a robust, state-of-the-art Internet and network security solution, customer service and support, and a commitment to economic growth within the community.
Corporate Objectives
Management believes that following a preset strategic course, leading to a clearly defined set of enterprise-wide objectives, will result in increased shareholder and stakeholder value and foster revenue and organizational growth. In line with its corporate mission, vision, and long-term growth strategy, REST Corporation will pursue the following fundamental corporate objectives:
To position REST Corporation as a predominant leader in the Internet and network security industry
To maximize shareholder and stakeholder value by growing the company and its revenue
To keep innovating and testing new technologies in order to keep pace with the global demand for security
Short-Term Functional Objectives
Successful implementation of the company's business model requires accomplishment of the following short-term functional-level goals:
Product Development
Creation and maintenance of an effective distribution system with sales of up to 70% of total revenue
Successful launch of the Security™ flagship product line by the end of Q1 2001
Initial design of fingerprint authentication technology and prototype development of the 1020 Security™ scrambler by the end of year 2001
Business Development
To utilize and sustain long-term competitive advantage based on differentiation through product and service innovation
To accomplish the objectives of its short-term and long-term planning periods, REST Corporation will follow a predetermined set of strategies at the (cond...) does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any of the information, content or advertisements contained on, distributed through, or linked, downloaded or accessed from any of the services contained on this website nor the quality of any products, information or other materials displayed, or obtained by you as a result of an advertisement or any other information or offer in or in connection with the service.